sun moon

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Baby Brother

Violet will have a baby brother sometime near the beginning of June. She is quite excited about the idea and frequently talks about him. She just started kissing my belly saying she is "giving baby brother kisses". I think she is most excited about having someone to sit in the back seat of the car with.

Here are some pictures from the most recent ultrasound of him...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Violet sings "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"

I took this video yesterday. She had already been singing for probably 3 or 4 minutes with the same amount of excitement before I decided to run down and get my video camera in hopes that she would still be singing when I came back. :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas Day

Christmas was super fun this year. I can't even remember the last time it was so much fun...
Violet has been SUPER into Santa. She talks about him all the time. Has a "baby santa" that she took off the Christmas tree that she takes all around with her. And she likes to say "Whats that sound?" and then answers herself... "Santa, up there" pointing to the ceiling.

My mom and aunt Marcia helped me make stockings for our family at Thanksgiving break. They held up very well even after Santa stuffed them VERY FULL. Wind's even had several bottles of fancy beer in it!
Violet loves her stocking and likes to say "Santa bring toys to my Violet. Put in my stocking. Yeah?"

Showing off her new shirt from Santa.

Reaching in to find more goodies.


When we got around to opening presents she had the most, of course. :) And she loved ripping the paper off and opening them up.
She is sporting her new apron that her Granny made her and surrounded by various gifts from her very generous family.

After opening packages her and her Papa watched some movies together and ate candy.
It was a great to be around out whole family... relaxing... eating... talking... and enjoying each other's company.
Violet had a blast and probably wishes that everyday was Christmas.

Peacock Lane - Christmas Eve

For the 3rd year in a row, we walked over to Peacock Lane on Christmas Eve... George, Joy, Doug, Linda, Wind, Violet and I.






Cabin Trip with Friends & SNOW

We went up near Mt. Hood and stayed in a cabin with a group of friends and their babies/toddlers. It was a little chaotic, but worked out well. Everyone played nicely... in fact Lorenzo (3.5 years old) and Violet had a really great time together. they read lots of books, played playdough, played on the hockey table, played guitar and sang songs, and ran around nakeed.
One of the days we were up there we drove about 20 minutes, until we got to some snow, and stopped to play.




The snow was hard as a rock, dirty, and scarce in some places.
Susan and Henry (1 year old) tried to sled. It was comical.


Eloise. :)

Violet's New Favorite Job

She LOVES doing dishes! She will cry if you tell her she can't do it.
I can only hope she likes to wash dishes as much when she can ACTUALLY do them herself. :)

Cookie Helper

Violet "helping" Mama make cookies.